Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is Perrier Water Okay To Dring While Pregnant

Gospel of the day the day

Friday, March 4, 2011
Friday of the eighth week in Ordinary Time

St. Casimir (+ 1484) - Memory

Today's Commentary
St. Jerome: "Do not of my Father's house an house of merchandise "(Jn 2:16)

readings of the day from 11.11 to 26 Mc

After arriving amid cheers, Jesus entered Jerusalem, the Temple
. He looked around at everything and, as was the
night he went out with the Twelve to go at Bethany.
The next day when they left Bethany, he hungered.
Seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, he went to see if there
find anything but, approaching, he found nothing but leaves
because it was not the season for figs.
Then he said to the fig tree: "Let no one ever eat your fruit
! And his disciples heard.
They arrive in Jerusalem. Then Jesus entered the Temple and began to
deport those who sold and those who bought in the Temple. It
overturned the tables of moneychangers and the seats merchants
and not let anyone cross the temple wearing anything.

He taught, and he said to people: "Scripture does not
she says: My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations
? Now, you have made it a den of thieves. "
The chief priests and scribes heard the thing, and they sought
how to kill him. Indeed, they were afraid of him because the whole crowd was
struck by his teaching.
And when evening came, Jesus and his disciples were going out of town
The next morning, by the way, they saw the fig tree withered
Peter remembered what had happened, said to Jesus: "Rabbi, look
: The fig tree you cursed has withered. "
Jesus said to them:" Have faith in God.
Amen, I say unto you: every man shall say to this mountain
'Get out of there, and will throw you into the sea', does not doubt in his heart
, but believes that what that he says will happen, it will be granted!
Therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer
, believe that you have already received, it will be yours.
And when you're there, praying, if you have something against
someone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your sins
. "

From the Liturgical Translation of the Bible - © AELF, Paris

Today's Commentary

Saint Jerome (347-420), presbyter, translator of the Bible, Doctor of the Church Homilies on
Mark's gospel, No. 9 (trans. Marc commented, DDB, 1986, p. 87s)

"Do not make my Father's house a house of merchandise "(Jn 2:16)

" Then Jesus entered the Temple and began to expel those who
sold and bought. "Some are surprised at the resurrection of Lazarus
(Jn 11.44), they are amazed that the son of a widow or
resurrected (Luke 7.15), others are struck by other miracles.
Without a doubt it is admirable to restore life to a dead body. For my
, I'm more impressed by this event. This man, son of
carpenter, a poor without notice, without shelter to rest, no army,
that was neither leader nor a judge - what authority has authorized to hunt ...
a crowd so large when he was alone? Nobody objected, nobody has dared
any resistance, because no one dared oppose the Son
repairing the injury done to his Father ...

"He began to cast out them that sold and bought in the Temple
. If that was possible among the Jews, why did he
is not alone here? If this happens under the Act,
why was it not even more so in the Gospel? ...
Christ, a poor, hunting buyers and sellers, which are rich
. Whoever sells is cast in the same way that anyone who buys.
that nobody say "Me, I offer all I have, I do
offerings to the priests, as God has commanded." In a passage of
Matthew, we read: "You received free, give free
" (Mt 10:8). The grace of God does not sell, she gives herself.

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