Monday, January 31, 2011

You Can See She Has Her Nipples Pierced

Court of the Gentiles

Thursday, January 27 2011
Court of the Gentiles

VATICAN CITY, January 27, 2011 (VIS). The Pontifical Council for Culture launches in Paris (France) 24 and 25 March the Court of the Gentiles, a structure designed to promote exchanges and dialogue between believers and nonbelievers. Under the chairmanship of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi will be held three seminars on "Enlightenment, religion, common ground"
Thursday 24 afternoon at UNESCO Headquarters on Friday morning at the Sorbonne and the afternoon at the Institute of France. A concluding roundtable will be held at the College of Bernardine. Meanwhile, the 25 the evening before Notre Dame, a festive event will be open to all, especially youth, entitled "In front of the unknown": artwork, music, stage, lights, drama and reflection. The Cathedral of Paris will be exceptionally open for viellée prayer and meditation.

CON-C / VIS 20110127 (140) Published
VIS - Holy See Press Office - 27.1.11

Source: .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Is The Lewis Dot Structure Of Clf2-


The Future of Children of God - having lived repentance, conversion and regeneration real, authentic and living in communion with Jesus, their Redeemer, under the motion of the Holy Spirit is guaranteed, guaranteed forever, from their new birth.
No power in the universe, visible or invisible, whatever it is, can not and will never infringe, in any way, their status in the eternal salvation purchased at the price of atoning sacrifice of Jesus, their Savior, Lord and Master, on the wood of the cross.
  • beyond space, beyond time, beyond everything that is named, then, by pure grace we would like, serene, seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus - in a position immovable and impregnable, that is, in any eschatological power of God ....
Therefore we can be filled, now, with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19), and although it is not visible in our current historical condition - it is no less real (anti-phase security pride, anti-narcissistic in earthen vessels).
However, when we paraîtrons also appear with him in glory (Colossians 3:4) and to the conscience of the entire universe like Him (1 John 3:2)!

There really is our God of Love to design and achieve such a sublime project!

To Him be honor, glory and adoration for ever!

What Does A Step Team Wear

Anawa (Hebrew): poverty as openness to God and total dependence on God, the absolute antithesis of self-sufficiency, self-justification, self-satisfaction, confidence narcissistic in his own personal strengths and achievements of the "winner", "self-made man ....
The poor of the Beatitudes, the anawim "expects everything from God and is open to others. It does not survive the predatory practice of violence against his neighbor - it was rationalized and legitimized by a system of human value ... in conflict with the divine teachings of Christ).
The anawim is not indifferent to the crash, exclusion, discrimination, marginalization, impoverishment of the next; as are, without qualms, proponents of the principle of "'struggle for life," followers of the false prophet, Darwin, founder of a religion that does not mean his name nor that of one who has inspired ...
The anawim is one that participates actively with gentleness, simplicity, without violence, but with quiet determination and belief, the coming of the kingdom of God, living now, advance, fulfilling the eternal values.
God seeks aspiring to the condition of Anawim , Likely to give the illusion of false values, relative immanent, temporary, partial of the will to power and domination of the next, so destructive of the soul of man and society, "in favor" absolute values transcendent, permanent, total love for it, based on thoughts and feelings that were, are and will always be in Jesus Christ ...

Brazilian Womens Soccer

pneuma: spirit - very real, concrete, experiential, breath, within the meaning of Hebrew prophecy (hence the term: air) - and non-formal abstraction, as defined in the Greek thought.
So that blows the wind of the Holy Spirit, in abundance, powerfully, in profusion, without limits on each of us and all of us together.
this is shared, more beautiful, the festival launched by the Lord, there are two thousand years, which has gladdened the hearts of so many followers of Christ, during the era of grace so far, and will continue to rejoice, to His Return , where we spend time with joy and jubilation at the upper phase glorious ...
Let us pray and not to be sleepy and surprised by the "events tires" of the end times!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Using Pursuit Car Starter

A sign for the Inn

Francis, alias Sanonieth, of the Auberge de la Chimera asked me to re-enter his shop. Here's the result, apparently the two mischievous gnomes appreciate the renovation. Long life to their establishment!

PS: it also gave me just want to repaint my house. I hope you enjoy the new decor. I said that the dragon in the background is of course the avatar drawn by the excellent RDD Rolland Barthélémy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Goldfish Stone In Mouth

Father General in East Asia

(18-Jan-2011) From January 20 to 28, Father General will be in East Asia. The main purpose of his trip is to attend the meeting of major superiors Conference of Asia-Pacific (of which he was Chairman) to be held in Singapore from January 23 to 28. This trip will be far from Rome as an opportunity to meet in Bangkok on 20 and 21 January, the Jesuits in the region of Thailand and their collaborators . The 21 and 22 will be briefly in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where he will meet Jesuits and collaborators in the country . During his stay in Singapore, in addition to participating in sessions of the Conference and to personally meet each of the major superiors, Father Nicolas will devote time to the Jesuits in the Region of Malaysia-Singapore and their collaborators. Visits to the archbishops of Bangkok and Singapore and the bishop of Phnom Penh will complete its agenda.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

2000 Fleetwood Wilderness Owners Manual



The beginning century, characteristic of an "absolute spiritual emergency" and an "imminent return of the Lord", and justifies a legitimate and vibrant call all Christians to general mobilization, for sharing the bread of eternal life and God's love with all people on earth, with a commitment and a dynamic implications, without reservation, in proclaiming the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, including taking into account effective means of solidarity projects "Christo-referenced" physical needs, materials, individual and collective rights of men and women added to the Church-Body of Christ through the Holy Spirit.

What are thus increased and multiplied exponentially in the direction of world evangelization initiatives holistic consideration of the overall reality of the spiritual problems of the recipients of salvation by grace - out of all artificial divisions cons-productive - in hundreds or thousands of Christian groups raised, trained by the Lord of the harvest, to respond effectively to the needs of men and women of all countries, hungry and thirsty for the word of the Lord, the bread of eternal life.

Institutions Christian pastors and institutional are no longer sufficient to meet the challenge of spreading the gospel to 7 billion people - therefore, one and unique solution: the reactivation of all departments, that contains the Body of Christ ... Currently "dormant."
Liberate all the gifts, talents and strengths that God has communicated to his Ekklesia - Realize, without delay, inventory and census of all our potential in Jesus, articulate them, according to the divine wisdom revealed in synergy and mutual interaction, systemic - buy back the time - we investing, do we involve, without limitation, all the resources received from the Master! Let us cheerfully, gleefully, in the last phase of implementation and accomplishment of the mandate given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 included - and look, well, the best of ways, the coming of the Kingdom of God, at last!

YOU are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people TO ANNOUNCE THE VIRTUES OF THE PERSON WHO YOU CALLED FROM DARKNESS his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9)
The disciples are called to reach out to sinners, to the lost, not to wait - Now is the time of revive all the gifts, talents, ministries, to launch a general mobilization, updating with effective, dynamic - in tune with the realities on the ground - the Universal Priesthood of Believers.

pray to the Lord asking him to that end, the way forward, to open sites, actions, projects to initiate, develop functional cooperation with any other teams involved, groups and panels of achievement in various sizes depending on the aims and objectives we have identified.

No one should stay away or remove "missionary process, internal and external" - Everyone is called by the Risen Christ in an active partnership, constructive, ingenious in its own right. It is his will, his expectations!

is my prayer: "Lord, make us more sensitive to your voice with regard to the general mandate global sharing the good news of salvation with all of this lost world, forgive us all moving to work in your harvest. It is no small initiative or small project, on site, everything is immensely important if you want, and led, step by step, by you alone, Lord Jesus! "

A pre- This revival of the Body of Christ, the messianic people on the field of history in these end times: to be led to deep repentance, a total restitution of the absolute sovereignty of Christ and his work than perfect recognition of its legitimate demands against radical members of his body, which we are a constituent and integral each for us.

To You Alone Lord, Honor, Praise, Praise and Worship - now here, now and forever!


Mulheres Nuas Lebiscas

From Galileo to Hubble

Tourists of the Universe (continued)

be noted here that I am neither a historian nor a scientist but that connection that I want in this topic are inspired by great scientific minds such as Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Trinh Xuan Thuan, George Smoot, Hubert Reeves and many other (which does not exclude some derailments on my part). Let us continue this odyssey of man in his quest for understanding of the universe.

Notes (1) , (2) , etc.. always refer to you end of the text.

Chapter 2. From Galileo to Hubble

In chapter 1 we saw primitive man living in an animistic universe where all beings and all things were equipped with a spirit as well as himself. Then, there are about 10 000 years, man replaced his animistic universe in a universe where mythological gods multiple governing everything in this universe. Then they followed the one God of the Middle Ages (inherited from Judaism and Islam) which would have dictated the Holy Scriptures containing the explanation of all the mysteries of the universe. There conceived when God had man perched atop a ladder planted on Earth, itself the center of the universe. And voila, everything was said. It remained only to read the Bible and to worship the God Almighty, which governed the whole universe.

From a scientific standpoint, from antiquity until the Middle Ages, saw the sky as a sphere above the earth on which were grafted and the stars and planets. These stars were all on the same plane and revolved around the earth motionless at the center of the outer sphere.

The thing is understandable because the hen even today, we contemplate the sky, it was really the illusion of being motionless in the middle of a large carousel.

When Copernicus and G alilée dared to claim that the Earth was not the center of the universe, they contradicted not only the scriptures but also conceptions of the Universe prevailing at the time.

Expansion of thought s CIENTIFIC

Do not believe the advances of Copernicus and Galileo were isolated movements. The cultural and artistic movement of the Renaissance ance, which spread around the fourteenth century to the early seventeenth century, had already begun to rediscover the ancient philosophers and challenge rigid conceptions of the Middle age. The evolution of thought extended to the scientific world and so that the sixteenth th century Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe establishes that the stars move and the heavens were not immutable, contrary to what Aristotle. It also establishes that the great comet of 1577 had an elliptical orbit and non-circular, thereby undermining one another "dogma" of Aristotle to the supposed perfection of heaven wishing that all movements of the planets are circular. Then the German astronomer Johannes Kepler that Tycho Brahe had hired as an assistant, formulated laws governing the movement of planets and NASA which is still used today to combine the appointment of its probe s Space with the moon and planets. But what that held the planets in the heavens? Mystery for now.

is the Englishman Isaac Newton, circa 1666, found answer to this mystery stating the law of universal gravitation and finding solution to the puzzle of the planets that were pending in the heavens without pivots r on crystalline spheres imagined by Eudoxus and Aristotle and without being forced by the angels of Thomas Aquinas. Basically, saying that the law of gravitation is that all the s bodies attract each other according to their masses and their distances. Plus they are m assif and reconciled, the more they attract. Unless they are massive and close together, the less they attract. A kind of balancing act that, at the stars, makes them without crashing the neighborly s on each other, at least generally. But why is this so? Is Einstein, who three centuries later, will answer this question. We will return.

Prevalence of reason

All these discoveries about the workings of the universe were the result we began to believe that human reason could, ultimately explain everything, without it having to resort to the deities.

the eighteenth century e, and we entered the era of rationalism who as defined in the dictionary is "a mindset that values only reason" . So rejection of any divine intervention, and especially the Holy Scriptures, to explain the workings of the universe. The science was regarded as almost infallible, as capable of overcoming all diseases and miseries that beset mankind has always been as capable of meeting all questions and philosophical issues in particular: Where are we? Where we come from? Where are we going? Why are we here on Earth? (C. Marchal). (1) "More needs God to run the machine. It was enough that God gives the flick start and everything was working alone. " (2)

And at the same time, coming into the scene determinism: a principle which, in sum, can predict with certainty the outcome of a situation if one knows the advance all the "ingredients" the problem. We thought so, for example, if a stone was tossed it enough to know its initial position and velocity to predict at what time, where and how fast it was going to fall .

So the XVIII th century saw and the triumph of reason. (3)

The explanation of the universe through reason

This openness on reason and science course stretched more and more to the vision of the universe.

the eighteenth century, Sir William Herschel that the sun sets and our entire solar system are part of an imm ense flock of stars, a galaxy (since then called "V Milky goose"). Well, well, well, the Sun and its herd of comets they then remain at the center of the herd (assuming this is really the Sun revolves around the Earth as argued by Copernicus, Galileo, and their successors)? But yes, replied in chorus the builders of the scale had man perched at the highest level of this scale, because nothing prevents leaving the man at the center of the universe.

But in 1918, Harlow Shapley destroyed this new illusion dislodging the sun of this central place to install it in the suburbs of the Milky Way. Our fellows do not like the idea : they tumble down several rungs on their ladder already baby will be.

At this point, we imagine that the Milky Way is the whole universe: the galaxy becomes a blob of stars amid a sea of empty and it is still reassuring to say that man is built into the blob that is the whole universe. But

behold, in 1924 ...

Using the Mount Wilson telescope in California, Edwin Hubble established that there are other galaxies outside the Milky Way. Therefore, our supposedly huge galaxy becomes to turn a drop from a multitude of other drops, each containing an infinity of stars. For our valiant defenders of the supremacy of Man in the Universe, is the plummeting : they end up the ass on the first and only operation of their scale almost entirely demolished.

How they will fare? is what we see in the next chapter.

(1) not forget this ultimate philosophical question posed by Woody Allen: "What shall we eat for dinner tonight? "

(2) Trinh Xuan Thuan" The secret melody "Ed. Gallimard 1991

(3) And now our little piece of ass is a new scale for world domination.

But remember that this new scale was in turn severely shaken by quantum mechanics you will find the reference in "Physics for Dummies" ( physical Capsule No. 3 ) of 4 November 2010 .

Friday, January 21, 2011

Is Full Moon Lucky In Wedding

From primitive man to Galileo

Tourists Universe

It often takes me a crazy urge to scream to the world the wonders and mysteries of the universe and also tell you what I understand from my presence on Earth, this little bean Sandy wandering amidst this vast universe. Not my fault, I was born with a heart of a missionary.

For me, talk about the Universe is therefore tell the story of the universe as perceived by humans over the millennia and it also tell the story of the man- same as it was perceived and perceives himself still in this universe.

Before addressing the immensity of heaven, so lets start there, if you wish.

(Figures 1,2,3, etc.. Refer to notes at end of text)

Chap. I. From primitive man to Galilee


When consciousness slowly emerged in the mind of primitive man, the This has therefore been able to take a comprehensive look at its environment. He then believed that all beings and all things were inhabited by a spirit, as well as himself, who provided her with the tree fruit, the animal he hunted, the fire that warmed him. He thanked the tree and fire for their generosity and apologized to the animal he slaughtered. Everything had a "soul." It was a world "animist" [1] .

All were therefore equal in this primitive world [2] . And he, the man was at the center of this wonderful world. All he had to look up to see the sun, moon and stars rotate above his head to understand that he was in the middle. Provided that he should give the penalty, he had everything at hand to feed in the territories full of game he lived. Its supermarket there, right outside the door. He had to still be a little careful because, in this regard, tigers and other predators saw things the same way and for these creatures, man himself was on the shelves.

awakening of consciousness


But soon man began to wonder about earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, floods and all these multiple disasters. Then he began to think that there must be somewhere spirits more powerful than his own and that of animals and things around him. So he invented gods. A multitude of gods which, of course, he lent his own feelings and conferred a hierarchy. Voltaire is, is not it, who said " God made man in His own image but man has made him " [3] . As these gods were very powerful and sometimes angry and, furthermore, they did not hesitate to intervene in the affairs of men, so we had to treat them with respect, offer them gifts. The man went up to build vast temples in their honor [4] . But to come into contact with them, he had great ambassadors. Then the man appointed high priests. It was, as we know, the mythological era. Talk to Ulysses, the hero of the legendary poet Homer. He will tell you the important roles played gods to bring him back to his kingdom of Ithaca with his beloved Penelope.

The Greek miracle

About six centuries AC, the Milesians had begun to search for natural explanations of the mysteries of the universe. Their explanations make us smile today by their simplistic [5] . But the fact remains that they were trying to find out the gods and nature itself explaining its mysteries. These natural philosophers ( Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, etc.). have invented modern science, that is to say, the science based on observation, which can not return until several centuries later with great minds like Galileo.

The Milesians also tried " to know what the world is made, assuming that great all that exists derives in one way or another with a single primary substance. Thales imagine for example that the world is made of water ... evaporating water provides air, vital air that fills our lungs, the water creates the Foodland, since when she retires after rain, it remains the fertile silt, the water turns a barren land into a garden covered with flowers and honey " [6] . Each of these great minds Milesian attempt to find its way to this single primary substance.

philosophers who succeeded them, such as Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle and Co. were seeking to explain the principles intangible mysteries of the universe. For example, c hez Pythagoras, there, beyond the senses, another reality of a spiritual nature: it was the world of souls who are reincarnated. In Plato , was the world of ideas: a perfect supernatural world which our poor earthly was only a pale reflection. Thus these philosophers invented new approaches based on their thoughts (rather than on observation of the material as did the Milesians).

Much later, Descartes followed this path, turning to pure reason, rather than observation, to uncover the truth [7] .

We talk about the Greek miracle, referring to this period because it must be understood that this was a real cultural revolution: we were saying to people, praying to the gods and sacrifices were offered, these gods who allegedly controlled the forces of nature did not exist and it was in compliance with the Nature itself or in philosophical reflection need to look for an explanation of the mysteries of the universe. The Roman Empire

created his own mythology and also inherited the Greek culture, but with the fall of that empire and the barbarian invasions, the Greek culture migrated to Persia and was lost in the mists of time (for being rediscovered as several centuries later during the Renaissance).

must say that, in turn, the Babylonians had a good knowledge of the movement of the stars but using it only to draw oracles [8] , without calling into question the intervention of the gods in the celestial mechanics.


The good people thought was impervious to the great Greek philosophers and held much to his gods. But perhaps it is because of the discredit of the multiple gods of Greek and Roman mythology, or perhaps because of the new currents of thought introduced by Christianity, the West substituted one God in these multiple gods. Therefore, the Old and New Testament faith did everything. What is the search for answers left and right at the mysteries of the universe when everything was said in the Bible. The thought of the great Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle only served once more to provide support to the theological reasoning of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas [9] .

In medieval thinking about the universe is stagnating and it goes back even to say that the earth is flat because the Scriptures suggest that it would have four corners and would be found on the high mountains which are can see all the kingdoms of the Earth. This is the center of the universe (geocentric) and all the stars revolve around it. The stars, meanwhile, are entrenched in their respective positions, as Aristotle thought 300 years before Christ. Man is the beloved child of God. He is atop a scale planted in the center of the universe where God has perched. And now everything is clear: this is how the universe works. Down the twisted minds who seek explanations outside of the Scriptures.

(Man of Pentacle)

The man thought himself the center of the universe

The first kick in the scale was given nearly two thousand years later by a Polish monk: Nicolas Copernicus. He timidly advanced the hypothesis that it was the Sun was the center of the universe (heliocentric) and that the Earth revolved around the sun and not vice versa. It was at the time of the Holy Inquisition and woe betide anyone who dared contradict the Holy Scriptures, he might end his days at the stake. Now it says in the Bible (book of Exodus and Book of Joshua) that the approach of night, Joshua stopped the sun to completely annihilate its enemies Amorite before dark. If so Joshua stopped the sun there is so much compelling evidence that the Sun was stirring, not Earth. Copernicus, however, had the prudence not to publish his writings and before his death. And, moreover, he presented his views as purely theoretical and do not necessarily reflect reality.

But shortly after the seventeenth th century, Galileo took the Copernican theory but by trumpeting to the wind. It must be said that Galileo had laid hands on a telescope, he had cobbled together to make it more efficient and was discovered by scanning Jupiter, moons traveling around this planet. What he did say that the stars of heaven do not all necessarily revolved around the Earth. We know the fate that awaited Galileo: he had to retract in court of the Inquisition and was sentenced to home for the rest of his days. His contemporary, Giordano Bruno, who supported the views of Copernicus and even went so far as to claim that there is no star in the middle of the universe, was less fortunate: he was made to cook at the stake [10] .

However, the scientific world, especially with big names such as Kepler and Newton, not long to stand behind the theory of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus and Galileo. The kick Copernicus had little shaken scale that man had built for, as we have seen, Copernicus had the wisdom to present his views as purely theoretical and of dying immediately after publication. But the kick of Galileo was much more vigorous and was followed by several more shots so that the foot of the ladder and tore the man down a notch. Even the Church, after much hesitation, finally rehabilitate Galileo October 31, 1992 by the voice of John Paul II. [11] must say that at that time, the scale was already badly wrecked.

The breakthrough of Copernicus and Galileo was only a preamble on the path of knowledge of the universe. Wait a bit to see the dramatic consequences of this initial breakthrough, particularly the discoveries of the twentieth century e flanked big kick in the scale than man had built in the Middle Ages. In subsequent chapters, the man goes from one surprise in the discovery of his universe and, ultimately, in his discovery of himself.

I hope you will taste to follow me in this exciting and exhilarating adventure.

Story to follow ...

The fable of the little man

was a small man

Who felt great

A ledger said

The navel of the world

It was nothing less

it emerged from the thigh

From his God Jupiter

And this directly

And it was in the middle

In the vast universe

Who rolled around his head

And he was the master

So in order to show

His ancestry celestial

He built a scale

To climb to heaven

He stayed perched there for some time

Until one day a nobody

To gauge the perch

Y flanked kick

Who did waver

Then other moves s 'added

Until one day the little man

found himself on the floor Butt

Big John as before

[1] From Latin anima, meaning soul. Of course, our man did not know he was "animist" because he did not know Latin.

[2] Karl Marx would have made a splash in this ultra-communist world, which, again, did not know he was a Communist . Not surprising because the man had not yet learned to make the hammer and sickle.

[3] That also, primitive man did not know because he had not read Voltaire. Certainly our ancestors had a culture very limited.

[4] This practice continues even today as we know. In Montreal, for example, al'Oratoire St. Joseph erected under the leadership of the recently canonized Saint Brother Andre.

[5] Thus Anaximander imagined huge wheels filled with fire and rotating around the earth, the stars are holes in the ducts of these wheels which left and see the fire inside.

[6] Pierre Yves Morvan " God is a lefty who plays dice?" Ed L'Harmattan 2002

[7] Curiously, the great Einstein also opt for this method in making his great discoveries solely by mental rantings and not comment.

[8] They had, moreover, as we know, illustrious successors as Nostradamus and Jojo Savard.

[9] This was very avant-garde in his theories about the universe: a precursor of the helicopters, he thought that the planets were moved by the beating of wings of angels.

[10] Unfortunately for him, we had not yet invented the ultra modern gas chambers. As seen, the "cooked" were still in vogue at the time of the Holy Inquisition. They were perhaps not the festive side of those of today but they still drew large crowds.

[11] Here we see how quickly the church can act with only three little centuries and oops, here we come!