Friday, September 10, 2010

2007 Mustang 4.6 Repair

spline and the Goblet of tavern-Grise Mine

An excerpt from The Motorcycle Diaries master Flirgubol:

"Svetozar after have walked since the day before on North Road, reached in mid-day the village of Spline, built deep in the foothills of Ventripotes at the foot of an impressive cliff.
The inhabitants had long faces, what might seem normal for the children they were almost all, but this was not clear, though (which, again, is not inconsistent with the principle of gray mine, by definition of gray and therefore rather dark, but ... well good atmosphere leaded-and no, it did not lead that operated here, but the iron and gold).
Moreover, precisely the only tavern called the Glass-Grise Mine. The innkeeper was an end-to-train, it might have been justified. Pridok but not shining by his sense of humor and puns
Svetozar bought a bottle of Génépire " beverage made from a local plant effects mélalcolisants only assumed known cure against the evil mining: gold funny and hilarious dangerous fumes (in the past thirty miners had died horribly, died of laughing because of a gas pocket) .


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