patties Oatmeal
It was once a good mother as it once did (and as it is in fact even more today) and decided one day to make a batch of pancakes oatmeal for her brood. She then left her closets of the flour, baking powder, oatmeal, sugar, brown sugar, margarine, egg, a pinch of salt and a small bottle of vanilla.
You know, like me, that each of these ingredients separately, did not taste very good. A cup of flour, you know, or a spoonful of margarine does not win any major awards at culinary competitions. But our cook
mingled all became shapeless dough, for now, boded no good. But she stretched the dough into small packets on a plate put it in the oven. Then, miraculously, the small packets of gloom began to swell and became pretty patties.
The brats, as we suspect, rushed on the patties and engulfed him. And then, O new miracle, the stomachs of small patties and kneaded by many tricks, many converted into living cells which circulated in the body of small and integrated it there and would you believe, flour, eggs, margarine and all the ingredients that their mother had put in his small patties became Maxentius, Josephine, Amelie and Toto.
If you ask the scholars, they will tell you that the primitive elements of early (flour, etc..), Once steeped in the small body, became living cells. They have therefore become much more complex than they were initially.
Well, this is a small scale, the entire history of the universe.
When born, our universe was only a shapeless and very hot soup, a mixture of particles with no common sense infinitely small, incredibly packed on each other and bickering on about better. The total disorganization, what a mess!
And it came to what would happen: the soup become too hot, blew the lid of the pot and spread everywhere. This was called the giant flash of the Big Bang.
But it was still much confusion. It took millions of years before a first-order born from this chaos. At first there were great clouds of unruly particles which began to gather in large sets that later scholars called nebulae. Particles took a liking to these gatherings and tassèrent over each other to produce new particles, mostly hydrogen and helium as, again, the scientists called them later. To force a better settlement, these particles are warmed so much that they eventually catch fire: the stars were born! Nothing less! The universe became light.
But the stars, all stars they are still rather primitive creatures: large fires that consume every moment of tons of hydrogen. But they still give it to them returns: they began to produce many new kernels elements.
The largest of these stars, suffocating under their own weight and unable to do more, then erupted in massive explosions, throwing around the nuclei of the universe they had made in their heart. These cores do not necessarily perished. They survived and made buddy-buddy with the many other small particles that wriggled in the soup as the initial Big Bang had scattered and, later again, we named names affectionate as electrons, photons, quarks, bosons, mesons etc.. This association occurred, Guess what: the atoms of all kinds! Iron atoms, atoms of copper, zinc atoms, etc.. Etc..
Atoms, as we know, are the building blocks of matter. But, as we also know, atoms have taken a liking to the invention and are grouped into molecules that are associated with a thousand and one ways to get to make all the things found in nature: the clouds floating above the ocean as well as water bodies that meet these oceans, the rubble clutching at Mont Blanc as well as the air is thinner when you climb this mountain, the roaring fire in the volcanoes also although the tectonic plates whose shock shakes our planet and the whole panoply of things that we know.
These ingenious little atoms have even started to assemble in large molecules into cells that then, for magical operations, have created life in dandelions adorn your lawn (and you persist in sabotaging) in the chickadee pecking coming into your bird feeder in the lazy frog in his pond, in which the grizzly salmon passage and watch all these "bugs" that crisscross the planet.
But nature has many more tricks in his magic bag. She rolled up their sleeves and began to manufacture a two-legged, rather hairy at first, but she finally finished off length in the skull to implant a conscience. This two-legged thing with a little gumption planted in her hair, well it's you and me. The masterpiece, told the nature (at least you and I is not sure). The only person who is said to be aware of the universe he inhabits and the one who also realizes gradually that it is part of this universe.
And now that "we understand a little better how the organization and complexity could emerge the primordial chaos "(says Hubert Reeves) and" how delicious cakes could emerge from chaos inedible flour and margarine "(dixit bibi).
If one day I start to write my family tree, I will go back beyond my great-great-grandfather. I go up the lineage of primates, reptiles, fish, cells, molecules, atoms, nuclei and all these infinitely small particles that wriggled in the universe before the Big Bang. I will talk to my parish priest but I do not think he finds all these people in his great records. This is not even sure he found Adam and Eve in transit.
So in the meantime, I say hat! Hats off to this wonderful kind of trial and error experimentation, from a primordial soup informs, has patiently built, after billions of years, something as complex as the human brain.
And thanks to this wonderful tool that their mother is in her beautiful long hair that small Maxentius, Josephine, Amelia and Toto today eat delicious pancakes cooked by their mother.
This, I repeat, the whole story of the universe.
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