My anchors - Capsule # 6
Since the time I began to talk of this topic which I called "my anchor", let me now linking all son and put an end to this chapter. Afterwards, I'll talk more, I promise! For more details, you may refer to the five blogs that I posted previously under "My anchorages.
As I said before, I started this topic to distinguish how well my conception of things was different designs qu'entretiennent exceeded even today the fundamentalists of all ilk as the defenders of Islamic Sharia or the ultra-Orthodox Jews who preach the Torah or backward Christians who cling to their creed and not swear by a literal interpretation of the Bible, or all Rael of this world who tell tall tales to fill their pockets ... just to mention a few.
In summary, I believe that since Galileo, Darwin and all their successors have opened our eyes to the reality of things, they made a revolution cultural and brought us great happiness to release us from traditional designs in which the man was frozen for centuries.
Without pretending that we now have at hand the truth and that we can now uncover the mysteries of the universe and our presence in this universe, we can at least rule out a whole lot of preconceptions and removing small corner of the veil on the countless and often unfathomable mysteries of the universe in which we swim.
Let me summarize again the subjects have been "My anchors" (and which reflect the best I can what scientists tell us today generally):
- the universe is absolutely unimaginable immensity;
- the earth is not the center of the universe. It is a tiny star who pirouette with seven other planets around the star, the sun
- the sun and its planets are part of a huge herd (called Galaxy) of some two hundred billion stars. We call our galaxy the "Milky Way";
- the earth is not the center of the universe. It is a tiny star who pirouette with seven other planets around the star, the sun
- the sun and its planets are part of a huge herd (called Galaxy) of some two hundred billion stars. We call our galaxy the "Milky Way";
- the Milky Way is so vast that if we could travel at the speed of light (300,000 kilometers per second), we would need 90,000 years to cross from one end;
- and this is not all: the universe has over a hundred billion galaxies, which themselves consist of hundreds of billions of stars and planets;
- our universe was born there a little over 14 billion years;
- this birth would have occurred during the so-called "Big Bang", a tremendous explosion that gave birth to matter;
- material, which originally was informed that a vast soup of particles, struggling furiously, would gradually organized, after millions of years to create stars and planets;
- thus that 'there are 4.5 billion years ago was born the sun as Earth, meanwhile, goes back 3.8 billion years;
- life began to appear discreetly on the Earth there 3 billion years in the form of bacteria and unicellular;
- animal life arose there are about 500 million years;
- modern man, for its part, is really a newcomer in the history of the Universe: it emerged there are some 200 000 years.
- and this is not all: the universe has over a hundred billion galaxies, which themselves consist of hundreds of billions of stars and planets;
- our universe was born there a little over 14 billion years;
- this birth would have occurred during the so-called "Big Bang", a tremendous explosion that gave birth to matter;
- material, which originally was informed that a vast soup of particles, struggling furiously, would gradually organized, after millions of years to create stars and planets;
- thus that 'there are 4.5 billion years ago was born the sun as Earth, meanwhile, goes back 3.8 billion years;
- life began to appear discreetly on the Earth there 3 billion years in the form of bacteria and unicellular;
- animal life arose there are about 500 million years;
- modern man, for its part, is really a newcomer in the history of the Universe: it emerged there are some 200 000 years.
These are the foundations of what I call my anchors. From that foundation, I draw the conclusion that, with the development of his intelligence and knowledge, man is now able to understand:
-the vastness of the universe in which it is immersed and awareness of the unfathomable mystery that holds this Universe;
- that man is made of atoms forged in the heart of stars, like the entire the matter in the universe, and that his family tree only goes back not only to primates but is actually a descendant of stars;
- he can no longer see the Universe as we look at the goldfish operating in their jar, but he himself is trying to swim in this jar;
- that among the billions of other planets that populate the universe, there are likely other inhabited by beings smart or perhaps even entire civilizations more advanced than ours;
- that man is, like all beings and things that populate the universe in the evolutionary process and it will disappear like all things and all species;
- he must therefore accept that we go in life as brief flashes that disappear forever and will scatter their atoms in the universe;
- that religions are human inventions to relieve the anxiety of man to the mysteries of the universe and its own disappearance;
- that evolution will undoubtedly the man to lift more and more sails on the mysteries of the universe but he may never understand the mystery of the birth of the universe and its occurrence in this universe;
- to imagine that a Supreme Being is started it all may be an illusion;
- and, finally, it seems impossible to reconcile the vastness of the universe with the designs we offer Lilliputian religions. This operation is as futile as trying to bury a billion elephants in a thimble.
To conclude, I feel extremely privileged to live in a time in human history where the latter, thanks to scientific progress, has removed many sails on the mysteries of the universe.
and I closed the section entitled "My anchors" and, as I promised, I'll never go more on the subject for fear of getting bored.
The problem is that I do not always keep my promises.
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