Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tuesday the 8th week of Ordinary Time
St Aubin d'Angers, Bishop (+ 550)
Today's Commentary
Thomas of Celano: Leave everything to follow
readings of the day
10.28 to 31 Mc.
Peter began to say to Jesus: "Now we have left everything to follow you
. "
Jesus said," Amen, I say to you, nobody will
left, for my sake and the gospel, house, brothers, sisters,
mother, father, children or earth
without having received, at that time already a hundredfold: homes, brothers, sisters
, mothers, children and lands, with persecutions, and in the world
come life everlasting.
Many first shall be last and the last shall be first
. "
From the Liturgical Translation of the Bible - © AELF, Paris
Today's Commentary
Thomas of Celano (c. 1190-c. 1260), biographer of St Francis and St Clare
Life St. Clare, § 25-28 (trans. Vorreux, Documents, Eds. Franciscan 1983, p. 615 rev.)
leave everything to follow
For forty years now Claire, by comparison
employed by St. Paul (1 Cor 9:24), led the race at the stadium in the vast
poverty. She approached the object of his heavenly calling and the reward promised to the winner ...
Divine Providence was hurrying to accomplish what she had planned to
Claire: Christ wants to include in his early Royal Palace
poor after his pilgrimage. As for herself, she aspired
any momentum from his desire ... to contemplate, reigning up there in
his glory, she had imitated Christ in his poverty on earth ...
All his daughters were sitting around the bed of their mother ...
Speaking then to herself, Claire says to his soul: "Go into any
security, because you good guide for the road. Go, for he who created you
also sanctified thee, and he still kept thee and loved by a tender love,
as a mother loves her child. Blessed are You, Lord, who created me! "
A sister asked him to whom it was addressed. Claire said: "In my soul
blessed." His guide for the road was not far. Indeed, turning
to one of her daughters, she said: "Seest thou the King of glory that I see
? "...
Blessed be leaving this vale of misery, who was out for
her entry into the blessed life! As a reward for his fasts
worldly, she now knows the joy that reigns at the table
Saints in exchange for rags and ashes, she came into possession of
blessedness of the Kingdom of Heaven where she is lined dress
glory everlasting.
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Monday, February 28, 2011
After Prom Costs Hamptons
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Can You Workout During A Herpes Outbreak
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday the 8th week of Ordinary Time
Blessed Daniel Brottier, priest (1876-1936) St Romain (+ 463)
Today's Commentary
St. Basil: "... With these words, he went away sad"
Readings of the Day
10.17 to 27 Mc.
Jesus put on when a man ran up to him, knelt
and asked him: "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life
? "
Jesus said to him:" Why call me good?
person is good but God alone.
You know the commandments: Do not commit murder, do not commit
no adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do
do harm to anyone, Honour thy father and thy mother. "
The man replied:" Master, I have observed all these commandments since my youth
. "Posing
his gaze on him, he began to love it. He said:
"One thing you lack: go, sell whatsoever thou hast,
gives to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me
. "But
him at these words, became dark and he went away sad, for he had great possessions
. Then Jesus
looks around him and said to his disciples:
"How hard it is to those who have riches to enter
in the kingdom of God! "The disciples were amazed
of these words. But Jesus said
"Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich
to enter the kingdom of God. "
Increasingly bewildered, the disciples asked one another:
" Then who can be saved? "Jesus
look at them and replied: "For men this is impossible
, but not for God, for everything is possible with God. "
From the Liturgical Translation of the Bible - © AELF, Paris
Today's Commentary
St. Basil (c. 330-379), monk and bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Doctor of the Church
Homily 7 on wealth, PG 31, 278 (trans. al. Icthus, v. 6, p. 82 rev.)
"At these words ... he went away sorrowful" Where
the rich young man and his ilk makes me think
to that of a traveler who, wishing to visit a city just to walk
walls, there is an inn down there and, discouraged by the latest
not it remains to be done, then loses the benefit of
fatigues of his journey and fights to visit the beauties of the city. These are those who keep the commandments
but rebelled at the thought of losing their property
. I know many who fast, pray, do penance, and
practiced well all kinds of works of piety, but do not pay a penny
poor. What are their other virtues?
They will not enter the kingdom of heaven, because "it is easier for a camel to go
through a hole of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven
. Clear speech, and its author does not lie, but few are
those who allow themselves to feel. "How will we live when we are stripped of all
? they exclaim. What kind of life will carry us when
all be sold and there will be more properties? "Do not ask me what purpose
deep behind the commandments of God. Whoever
established our laws also knows the art of the impossible to reconcile with the law.
Manage your subscription directly to this address: www.levangileauquotidien.org
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Daily Gospel is insured by your generous support
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wm & Rogers X9 Butter Knife
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Make Razor Dune Buggy Go Faster
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Pigment Migrated Fartheset Ap Biology Lab 4
Psalm 28
1From David. Lord! to thee I cry. My rock! does not remain deaf to my voice, lest, if you walk away without answering me, I'm not like those who descend into the pit.
2Écoute the voice of my supplications when I cry unto thee, when I lift my hands toward thy sanctuary.
3NE not take me with the wicked and unjust men, who speak peace with their neighbors, but mischief is in their heart.
4Rends them according to their works and according to the wickedness of their actions, Give them according to the work of their hands, Give them the pay they deserve.
5Car they are not attentive to the works of the LORD, the work of his hands. He overturns them and not build them up!
6Béni be the Lord! Because he hath heard the voice of my supplications.
7L'Éternel is my strength and my shield; In him my heart trusts, and I am helped, I have joy in my heart, And I praise him with my song.
8L'Éternel is the strength of his people, He is the rock of salvation to his anointed.
9Sauve your people and bless your inheritance! Be their shepherd and support forever!
Louis Segond (LSG)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
In What Store Can I Find A Pink Combination Lock
Okay so here is a picture from any beast in pencil. I know there are enough comfortable with a tablet to draw directly on the ground computer. I'm an old fart and I still prefer a good old pencil and a piece of paper, if I lose my senses quickly. In short, once completed, the design in black and white is scanned and "cleaned" by boosting the contrast a bit.
Third step. I focus on the background. It is worked in volumes, with a light brush in blue. The interest is to bring out details, but not too much (the bottom is not intended to be overexposed). Same volume of work, light at first, on the character and foregrounds.
Fourth step. I "pose" the colors, not too much on the dot, in the same key, and agree among themselves on the purple tunic, red and green for other details. These colors are applied always on mode "product" to have a wash as in classical painting: layers lightweight, almost transparent, stacked, obtained through the variation of the "opacity" of the brush.
Fifth step. I add in the background tones already placed on the character: the green, some purple. These are keys almost transparent, obtained with an opacity of brush very lightly. It is important to me, slipping a few colors identical across the stage. This is unifying the whole. Attention, generally in an illustration '(this is probably the most important advice in this tutorial), not to multiply the colors. In my opinion, keep a palette "narrowed" ...
Sixth step. The main character to be the subject of my attention. I model skin, face and clothes by putting shadows (use darker layers) and, by default, lights. The eye is strengthened (the character's eyes caught the attention of the viewer's image).
last step. Ben you're done ... I applied on the background a transparent layer of dark gray to "erase" a little more detail and to highlight the foreground. The character was treated again to a brown-red shading to better reflect the volumes. A few lighter touches, like the green on the clothes, add some light and enhance contrast.
Friday, February 18, 2011
How To Make A Foil Boat Without Sinking
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How Long Does Delta Gamma Initiation Last?
12 String Celtic Harp
Basketball Player Like Mandingo
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Do You Congratulate Someone Who Is Pregnant
It's been awhile since I had not taken my brushes and ink color: my latest work mainly been digitally processed. The ink is much more random than the graphics palette, but still, it's good:)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Aveeno Unscented Lotion On Tattoo
Then he met the trainers of religious life and the Coptic Catholic Patriarch, Cardinal Naguib, as well as teachers, students and ex-students of the College of the Holy Family in Cairo and Minia school.
Finally he participated in a regional day of the Jesuits in Egypt.
Click to watch the slideshow.
About Me Islamic Message
An illustration but not very recently had never been scanned. We find the boat a few "old" Dream of the Company: from left to right, Harold, Flirguboll, Gorlo, Gaia and Sand.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
How To Get Club Nintendo Points Free
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Thrush And Brazilian Waxing
There is today more than 25 years after his birth, the fire is not quite dead. on this link melted some - including me, hehe - Secretly, the hope of reviving a publication dedicated to RDD. So simple spark, lived or bonfire? Answer a few months. In any case, good wishes are welcome.